1964 Bridges 6d (ord). BLACK DOUBLED. Cylinder block. BPA Certificate. SG 660 var.

Unmounted mint cylinder block of four with Black Double Print variety. Doubling effect most clearly seen on Queen's mouth, Forth Road Bridge inscription and cyli...



SB103a 3d lilac x 6. Phosphor sidebands. WATERMARK INVERTED. Perf Is

A superb full perf pane. Crowns watermark INVERTED. Violet phosphor sidebands ( 2 x band at left, 4 x band at right) Perf Is. SG SB103a



2/6 purple on yellow. Watermark Crowns. SG D65Wi

Watermark Sideways inverted



1975 Scotland "City of Glasgow" Airletter. SPECIMEN overprint

Unused folded 1975 City of Glasgow Airletter SPECIMEN overprint in black



1968 Paintings 1/9. PERFORATION SHIFT. SG 774 var.

UM lower right corner single with 4mm upward shift of horizontal perforations. Results in inscription and lower part of design now appearing at top of stamp. Illustrated ...



5/- scarlet on yellow paper. SG D55. fine used

Fine Used watermark sideways



1994 Channel Tunnel 41p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS plus PERF SHIFT. SG 1822/23 var.

Unmounted mint positional right marginal se-tenant pair with multiple colours (bright orange, scarlet, new blue and emerald) shifted left to varying degree with bright or...



1969 Investiture 5d. MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 802/4Eya. Cylinder block.

A fine unmounted mint unfolded cylinder block of nine. MISSING PHOSPHOR.



1965 Parliament 2/6. Watermark Inverted. SG 664Wi.

Fine unmounted mint lower marginal single, watermark inverted.



1963 COMPAC (ord). CANCELLED SG Spec. W40s.

ex Philatelic Bulletin No.3



1965 Battle of Britain 4d (phos).PHOSPHOR BANDS PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE

A fine unmounted mint se-tenant block with phosphor bands printed on gummed side as well as front. Affects all stamps in block. Good reaction of bands on gummed side to U...



1975 Railways. Set of 4 values in fine used strips of three. SG 984-987

1975 Railways. Set of 4 values in fine used strips of three as illustrated.



1993 Christmas 19p. Fine used block of six. SG 1790

1993 Christmas 19p. Fine used block of six. As illustrated.
