Featured Listings

2½d carmine red Type II. 2nd graphite lined issue. WATERMARK INVERTED. Fine used. SG 591Wi.

2½d carmine red Type II. 2nd graphite lined issue. WATERMARK INVERTED.  Fine used with ful perforations. SG 591Wi. As illustrated



1959 2nd Graphite lines 4½d chestnut. Crowns Wmk. Very Fine Used single. SG 594

2nd Graphite lines 4½d chestnut. Crowns Wmk. Very Fine Used single. SG 594. As illustrated



1965 Churchill 1/3 (phos) TWO BROAD PHOSPHOR BANDS. SG Spec. WP58

Unmounted mint single with two broad phoshor bands at centre and right. No encroachment at left. UV checked.



1965 Lister 4d (phos). TWO BAND ERROR. SG Spec. WP66a & b.

A fine unmounted mint marginal pair. Left stamp with narrow band and broad band, right stamp with two broad bands.



1965 Battle of Britain 9d (phos). TWO DIAGONAL BROAD BANDS ERROR.

A fine unmounted mint marginal block of four with very attractive phosphor band error. Each stamp with two broad diagonal bands plus diagonal band in left margin. Positio...



1965 Battle of Britain 9d (ord). WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 677Wi.

Unmounted mint single. WATERMARK INVERTED.



1969 Christmas 5d. MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 813y

A fine unmounted mint single MISSING PHOSPHOR.



1969 Christmas 1/6. MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 814y

A fine unmounted mint single MISSING PHOSPHOR.



1994 re-engraved £1.50 Castle High Value with SHIFT OF PERFORATION. Used.

A fine used example with SHIFT OF HORIZONTAL PERFORATIONS. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1994 Channel Tunnel 41p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS plus PERF SHIFT. SG 1822/23 var.

Unmounted mint (folded along vertical perfs) se-tenant pair with all colours shifted to varying degree with bright orange being mosts extreme.



1966 Birds (phos) Missing Reddish Brown SG 698pj-699pj. First Day Cover.

1966 Birds (phos) Missing Reddish Brown. Affects two stamps, Robin (legs, wing colour) and Blackbird (Legs). Attached to plain brown envelope, handwritten address cancell...



1972 Churches 4p. GREEN BLADE FLAW positional block.

Unmounted mint traffic light block of fifteen with horizontal green blade flaw extending across middle row.
